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Lunch at the Boathouse

Recently, my mom and I had the opportunity to eat lunch at The Boathouse in Disney Springs. It was a place that we had always wanted to try, and we finally decided that this was the trip to try it. Let me tell you, if you ever have the opportunity to dine at The Boathouse, do it. It was incredible, and we can’t wait to go back. If you are not familiar with The Boathouse, then you need to be. It’s located in Disney Springs, in the corner of Landing. It’s also the place where the amphicars launch from. Before you ask, no, we didn’t ride one. As cool as that would be, it wasn’t in the budget this time. Maybe someday. If you don’t know what an amphicar is, it’s a short, convertible car that both drives on land and in the water. They’re really cute! Look them up, and I promise you won’t be disappointed in what you find. They have a fascinating history. Anyway, back to lunch.

My mom and I arrived a little early, so we took the opportunity to look around their adorable gift shop, The Boatique. If you are a fan of rubber ducks, then you definitely need to shop here. They have everything you could possibly want that is duck themed. Why ducks, you ask? Well, the signature drink at The Boathouse is the Duck Duck Razz, and it’s topped with a tiny rubber duck. While I haven’t had one, I’ve seen the pictures, and it’s adorable. The Boatique also has tons of cute beach and water-themed items. If you decide to spend a day on the water, they have everything you could possibly need. Anyway, after we shopped at The Boatique, we went ahead and checked in for lunch. We were seated right away, and let me tell you, the restaurant is incredible. It’s so pretty, yet eclectic, and total fits the vibe of being on a yacht or by the water. Some of the booths are even set up to look like boats! Each room is a little different in its theming, and they are all spectacular. They also have tons of outdoor seating, if you prefer that. The views here can’t be beat, either. Whether you sit outside, or inside by a window, you won’t be disappointed in the views of the water that you get here. The whole place had a high-end, yet somehow casual feel to it. I absolutely loved it. Sometimes, it was hard to believe that we were still at Disney, and not sitting by a marina at the beach somewhere. By the way, the service here was spectacular. Everyone was so kind, and quick to help in any way they could. They answered all of our questions easily. The manager came by a couple of times during our meal and stopped to ask us if everything was okay, or if we needed anything. That probably impressed my mom more than anything else. Service is always great at Disney, but they went above and beyond here.

Besides our drinks, the first thing they brought us were these incredible rolls. They were soft and literally dripping with butter. There was also extra butter on the side. They were warm and fluffy, and I could have eaten a whole tray of them with no regrets whatsoever. When you think of the perfect restaurant rolls, these are it. For our entrées, I chose to get the Maine Style Lobster Roll, and my mom got the Grilled Fresh Mahi Sandwich. Both sandwiches were huge, so definitely worth the price. The lobster roll typically comes with kettle chips, but I opted to get fresh cut fries instead. I am not kidding when I say that this was the best lobster roll that I have ever had in my life. It was literally just chunks of lobster meat with just enough filler and sauce to keep it all held together. I can honestly say that I’ve never had such large pieces of lobster before in my life. Be aware, this sandwich is served chilled. That may be a turn-off for some, but I didn’t care. It was still the best sandwich, possibly ever. It’s a bit expensive, considering it is a sandwich, but it was well worth the price, in my opinion. The fries were fine. Not the best fries I’ve ever had, but they were good. I will probably try a different side, next time. They all sounded so good, and I had a hard time deciding anyway. My mom enjoyed her sandwich, as well. She said that the Mahi had a good flavor to it, and the ingredients all came together nicely. However, her sandwich did fall apart on her, so it got a bit messy. That was her only complaint with the whole thing. She said that next time, she will probably just eat it with a fork. We wished we had room after all of this for dessert, but we were simply too full. They do have incredible sounding desserts, so give those a try, if you can. The Key Lime Pie in a Mason Jar sounded really good to me, and I really wish that I had been able to try it. Hopefully, next time.

All in all, our experience at The Boathouse was one worth repeating. We can’t wait to go back and try it again. We hadn’t even left yet, and were already talking about what was on our lists to try the next time we came. We also want to take my dad back with us, since we think he would really enjoy it, as well. So, tell me, is The Boathouse on your list to try the next time you go to Walt Disney World? If you’re anything like my family, it can be hard to narrow down where to go eat. So many places, so little time. However, if you find yourself in need of a good dining experience at Disney Springs, please put The Boathouse at the top of your list. I promise that you won’t regret it.

As always, follow me on Instagram and Facebook for even more Disney fun. Subscribe to the blog to keep up with all the latest posts. I hope you enjoyed this post, and have a magical day!

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