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  • elizabethsmagicalw

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello everyone! My name is Elizabeth Hughes, and welcome to my Disney blog! I wanted to start off this blogging journey by telling you about myself and why I chose to start a blog. I have never blogged before, so this will be a new adventure for all of us. This post will probably be shorter than my other posts because I find it hard to talk about myself. It’s so much easier to just talk about Disney! I’ll do the best I can. I would love to connect with you, so be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more pictures, fun facts, and more.

I’ll start with the name of my blog, Elizabeth’s Magical World. For those of you who grew up in the 90’s, you may recognize this as a nod to the direct-to-video animated film Belle’s Magical World. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, and Belle is my favorite princess. Cinderella is a very close second, by the way. However, I have always thought that Belle was the most relatable princess to me. I wanted my blog to reflect that in some way, but not be too obvious.

I grew up a Disney kid, and have been to Walt Disney World more times than I can count. I was that kid growing up that had all the Disney movies, and tons of Disney books, toys, music, and clothes. I thought that I knew everything there was to know about Disney, and was willing to share it with everyone. Those things haven’t changed; they’ve just grown up. I still watch more Disney movies than anything else, read tons of Disney-themed books and magazines, and wear more Disney clothes than a normal 30-something should. I no longer think that I know everything there is to know about Disney, but I’m still willing to share the knowledge I’ve accumulated with anyone willing to listen. Which, I guess, is the real reason behind this blog.

I not only love Disney, but I love to travel to Walt Disney World every chance I get. Many of my favorite memories have taken place there, and it truly is my favorite place in the entire world. I would totally live in Cinderella Castle if I thought I could get away with it. I went on my first trip to Walt Disney World when I was two-and-a-half years old. I don’t remember much of the trip, but I remember how much I loved it. My family always used to go to the beach every summer, and we would usually take a day in the middle of the week to go to Orlando to go shopping. We generally ended up at Downtown Disney (now Disney Springs) at some point during the day to shop and eat. My family continued to take regular trips to Walt Disney World throughout my childhood. I wasn’t able to take many trips during my teen years, but I’ve been able to make up for that in recent years. I will find any excuse I can to go, and I hope to be an annual passholder someday. I have a Disney bucket list, and one of my favorite things on the list is to go to every EPCOT festival within a year. Hopefully, I can make that happen someday.

I’ve made a point to learn all I can about Walt Disney World, and find as much of the hidden magic and details that I can when I’m there. I love to plan trips, and plan everything down to the smallest detail, backup plans included. I’ve also learned that while planning is great, the true magic comes in the unplanned moments, so make sure that you’re willing to let go of the plan to let the magic happen. Because of my obsession with Disney and knack for planning trips, I find that I’m often the person that others come to with questions about Walt Disney World. My family wanted me to become a travel agent. I wasn’t sure that it was what I wanted to do, so I looked into other options. I decided that a blog would probably be the best way for me to get my knowledge and advice out into the world because I had the potential to reach more people that way. There is so much information out there about Disney, and it takes years to learn it all. By doing a blog, I am able to put all of the information that I’ve learned in one place, and that makes it easier for others to learn all of that information, too. I want everyone to have a wonderful vacation when they go to Disney, and I think that the more knowledge you have, the more successful your vacation will be.

With this in mind, I hope that you enjoy this blog! See you real soon!

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1 Comment

Feb 17, 2023

So glad you made the decision to write a blog! Can’t wait to see where this goes!

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